Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We're All a Buzz

This may sound like a strange Christmas present, but this year my husband gave me beekeeping classes.  The Hampden County Beekeepers Association offers a class every year starting in January and ending in April.  I found this out after I took a summer course through Mass Ag in the Classroom (which had a one-day session on beekeeping). 

Bees seemed like the next logical step for us. They will do their fair share of work pollinating our orchard, garden, flowers, and not to mention wild blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries; however we started going to the bi-weekly classes with an agreement that this did NOT mean we were definitely getting bees.  So, you can imagine my surprise during the third class, when I suggested my husband go talk to the man who was selling bees for April, I was told he already ordered bees- and by the way this was my birthday present (again, may seem odd to most, but not to me).  The best part is we are not just starting off with one or two hives, but FIVE- yep, five. 

The following week eight boxes were waiting for me when I got home from work.  They contained everything we need for our 5 hives including 10 brood boxes, 10 honey supers, and 200 frames which all need to be assembled.  Good thing he ordered early (we won't pick up the bees until May)!!

May 17, 2011
Saturday morning we woke up at 4:40 am!  We had to get out the door for just after 5:00 so we could pick up our nucleus hives (or nucs for short) by 7:00 am.  Our 5 nucs made it home safely and were "unpacked" into brood boxes which are set up on a table Allan built.  They have a nice view of our orchard and garden.  The only problem is that it won't stop raining!!  It has rained every day since Saturday (it is now Tuesday) and has been in the 50's.  The weather forecast is calling for rain into the weekend!  Our poor bees.  I can't wait to see them in action.  The apple trees are waiting!

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