We farm as a way to produce healthy food for ourselves, but what about the dogs? They get healthy food too! We are not very fond of organ meats, but the dogs love them. I used to freeze them, but freezer space is too valuable at this time. Canning is a wonderful option! After doing some research, this is what I did:
I started with hearts from the pigs that were processed over the winter. I cut the meat into chunks and filled my canning jars to the half mark. I used pint sized jars, so each jar had roughly 1 cup of meat.
I then topped the meat with 2 tablespoons of organic brown rice. To that I added boiling water (leaving an inch of headspace).
I removed any air bubbles by running my measuring tool along the edge inside each jar, and wiped each rim before securing the lids.
All jars went into the pressure canner and processed for 70 minutes at 10 pounds of pressure. After allowing to cool and wiping the jars clean, the labels were attached and into the cabinet they went!