1) Most people eat some type of chicken product (eggs and/or meat). Keeping your own chickens allows you to control the quality of those products. You know what your chickens eat, how they are treated, and whether they have access to the outdoors. You can be sure you are providing yourself, family, and friends with a superior product.
2) Chickens can make great pets. They take less time than most other common household pets (i.e. dogs and cats). Many chickens have been known to follow their owners around, want to sit his or her lap for petting, and are trainable (find a motivator). Plus, with so many varieties, they are pretty to watch in your yard.
3) Reduce your garbage with chickens! Your flock will enjoy many kitchen scraps and garden scraps. Instead of throwing a half-eaten dinner away, give it to the chickens along with the carrot peels, pepper seeds, and tomato tops from dinner prep. Sure, many of these things could be composted, but chickens will also enjoy spoiled milk, yogurt, cheese and yes meat (I avoid chicken, but they will eat it)- all things you would not want to compost! Also, when I garden, I would not compost weeds like purslane. Instead, I throw it to the chickens who devour the omega-3 rich weed in seconds. Good for them and good for me!
4) Chickens are adaptable. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a lot of land to have chickens. Chickens can be kept not only on farms, but in yards, and even on rooftops in large urban areas. They can do well with other animals (some animals, like dogs, may need some training first).
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