Friday, April 22, 2011

Pastured Eggs Not the Same As Conventional

Studies have shown that not only are the eggs produced in a more humane environment, they are healthier.  Duh!!  If you look at grass vs. feed, grass looks healthier.  Chickens, by the way, are NOT vegetarians even though a large chicken producer (meat) would like you to think (since they advertise that their chickens are feed an all vegetarian diet).  What they mean is that they aren't feeding slaughterhouse "leftovers" to the chickens- you know what is left after the rest is sent to the grocery stores or what wasn't healthy enough to make it to the grocery stores).  Anyways, eating grass and bugs along with other plant material is obviously a more natural and nutritious diet.  Check out this article on Mother Earth News:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What's Eating You?

Last year, we raised Cornish X chickens as our primary meat chickens (along with previously thinning out the flock by getting rid of excess roosters which we ate).  This year, we wanted to try Kosher Kings as our meat chickens.  It is not that we were completely dissatisfied with the Cornish X, we just wanted a more "authentic" chicken.  The X were mushy, lazy birds- not a "real" chicken by any means.  Well, if "real" means feisty and active, we found our chicken! 

The Kosher Kings love when I clean out their brooder.  They charge my hands and bite!  How ironic that they are biting me!  I guess it is only fair considering...